Call Reports

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Daily CDR Reports

A daily CDR report is available for agent group on the PBX. The report is emailed at 12 midnight every day to your preferred email address.

Definitions for reporting fields


Total number of calls:

Number of calls received for day

Calls connected to an agent:

Number of calls connected (answered) by agents

Total duration spent in IVR:

The duration how long the call was in IVR state before connecting the call. This entry is important in ACD calls, where callers are waiting before the call starts ringing.

Total duration ringing:

The duration how long the call was ringing a user.

Total duration talking:

The duration how long the call was connected to a user. This is independent from the trunk connected time. It also includes the time when the call was on hold.

Total duration holding calls:

The duration how long the call was on hold in this state.

Total duration idle:

The time the agent was idle/free before answering a call i.e. time difference between the last answered call and the present answered call. The idle time is not only measured between calls in the same agent group, but the extension and other agent groups

Calls where user hung up while ringing:

Number of calls where user have disconnected/hung up the call while it was ringing to the available agents

Calls where user hung up while waiting:

Number of calls where user have disconnected/hung up the call while on hold on the queue

Calls that have been redirected while ringing:

This is functionality of the Extension when a call can be redirected due to no answer or busy etc

Calls that have been redirected while waiting:

This is functionality of the PBX, if a call is waiting in an agent group you can set a default time when the system will redirect to a pre designed destination .

Redirected anonymous calls:

System can redirect calls if it is coming from an anonymous number

Redirection because of application server:

At the moment we do not support this as any third-party application functionality is not accepted.

Calls where callers navigated to other destinations:

This is functionality is the setting where you can set the agent group to direct the call while waiting with a user interaction of pressing 0, 1, 2

Other redirected calls:

Calls which does not have setting any for above such as while waiting or while ringing.

Activity report of agents:


Extension Number


Extension Name


Availability is the time agents stays in the group. If the agent has not logged off the agent group, then it shows blank.


If it logs off and logs in, then it will display the respective time


Total number of call per agent


Total duration of all calls per agent


The duration how long the call was on hold in this state.


The time the agent was idle/free before answering a call i.e. time difference between the last answered call and the present answered call.

List of calls to the queue:


The originator of the call. The format is according to the SIP standard with an optional display name and a SIP URI. The real destination may be different. This field shows what the original call headers were when the call was set up.


The destination of the call. The format is the same like the From header.


A timestamp when that call leg was started.


The extension that accepted the call


The duration how long the call was in IVR state before connecting the call. This entry is important in ACD calls, where callers are waiting before the call starts ringing.


The duration how long the call was ringing a user.


The duration how long the call was connected to a user. This is independent from the trunk connected time. It also includes the time when the call was on hold.


The duration how long the call was on hold in this state.


The time the agent was idle/free before answering a call i.e. time difference between the last answered call and the present answered call.

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